Our ImpactWhat makes our program work?
Critical Success Factors
Critical success factors are defined as the 4-5 variables that have a direct impact on the effectiveness of a program. Each one of these factors is considered essential to the overall success of the program.
Peer Support
94% of parents reported increased positive peer relationships. These relationships turned into a support network for the student parents. The connections and friendships made through FFD helped students feel positive and energized about life, and their educational and employment opportunities.
Coaches work with parents to set goals in areas that included health, children, career and financial family goals. Coaching is flexible – they do home visits, meet with students at community locations, use text messaging, calls, and even facebook messenger to connect with students.
Barrier Removal
The FFD program worked hard to remove barriers that had prevented student parents from being successful in the past. These included transportation, housing, utilities, food security, beds for children, car repairs, medical expenses, tuition, career assessments, and textbooks.
Family Voice
One of the core principles of FFD is family engagement. Parents assisted in the design and continue to participate in the ongoing evaluation of FFD. Two student parents serve on the formal Advisory Board and a survey is conducted at enrollment and completion of the program.
Transformative Results for Parents
Parents attend classes two nights a week either at Washington County Community College or the University of Maine at Machias. At the end of the year, parents earn 15 to 16 college credits in a specially designed program that includes courses relevant to parents. This program covers all costs for students.
Students who will complete the Year long program:
Students who will matriculate to further post-secondary programs:
Given the program completion rate, the matriculation rate, and most importantly, the qualitative interview and survey data from student parents, the first year produced important and life-changing results for the 19 student parents.
Positive Results for Children
FFD offered high-quality child care for parents while they attend night classes. Early care and education programming was provided by a team of certified teachers through Downeast Community Partners (DCP).
Children were enrolled in one of two DCP facilities: St Croix Early Care and Education Center or Flaherty Early Care and Education Center
Key Developmental Areas
Children’s Approaches to Learning
Children develop stronger problem solving, initiative and planning skills
Social & Emotional Development
Building relationships with adults and other children and managing their emotions during conflict.
Language, Literacy & Communication
Speaking, listening and communications skills, learning ABC’s, and developing reading and writing skills to promote school readiness
Childcare and Education Results
Children’s Approaches to Learning
Social & Emotional Development
Language, Literacy & Communication
Powerful Results for Families
“It has been a life changing experience for my whole family.”
One survey question asked if there was anything students wanted to share about what the FFD program has meant to them or how it has changed their life. Student parents took the time to write thoughtful and touching summaries of the impact of FFD on their lives, their children’s life and their family.
“Overall, it has opened doors for us to grow as a family and to do better for ourselves”
Parent confidence grew in their roles as both parents and self-advocates. All the parents who completed the year-end survey reported that they had increased feelings of hope for themselves and their children. Their self-advocacy skills increased — all parents reported increased levels of self-esteem and self-advocacy. Parents reported they were willing to do something about their situation, and started to feel confident taking care of things themselves.
Students continue in college
of parents feel more hopeful about their children's futures