Family Futures Downeast

Learn. Educate. Grow

Empowering parents and their
young children through education.

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Family Futures Downeast

FFD is a 2 generation college program designed for parents and their children.  It’s unique because parents enroll in college preparation and college classes with a cohort of peers, and a coach to help guide them.  At the same time, children enroll in high quality education programs. It’s called a 2 Gen program because the WHOLE FAMILY – parents and children – are working together to achieve their goals.

Our Collaborative

FFD is a collaborative partnership between six organizations and agencies created to promote post-secondary education for parents and early childhood education for their children as a means to reduce poverty, create employment opportunities and improve stability in Washington County, Maine families.

Washington County Adult and Community Education
Sunrise County Economic Council


What Students are Saying

Family Futures Downeast opened up a whole new world, not just for me but also for my children. Paul was 2 when I started, and Ethan was born during my first semester. I loved watching Paul toddle down the college halls, knowing all the turns to take to go visit my family coach Jess. Both of my boys talk about going to “Mama’s school” and assure me that they are going to go to college also! They watch me doing homework and ask to do theirs as well. It means so much to me to know that not only has FFD changed my life but also set my children on a brand new path!”

Ambrosia Ross

Cohort 1, Washington County Community College

“A little over a year ago I stumbled across a post here on FB where a friend mentioned she had been accepted into a program that would help support her as she went back to school. I was at a point in my life where I was flailing, trying to grasp onto something that would help me feel that I was actually doing something to propel myself and my family forward rather than sitting stagnant. I applied on a whim, and I got in. FFD changed my life. It has been so much more than college credits. It has been support, friendships, laughter, tears and determination. It has been an outlet, a sounding board, and a shoulder. It has been so much more than I set out to achieve.”

Shannon Demarest

Cohort 2, University of Maine at Machias

“Looking back, I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that some of the greatest things I have gotten out of life have come from my darkest times. These failures have strengthened me and softened me. They have caused me to be determined and headstrong in the face of adversity. They have shown me how to be empathetic and caring to people around me. But perhaps most importantly they have pushed me to figure out who I am and to love that person with all her talents and many, many faults. It is this mindset, this relationship you have with yourself that allows you to succeed even if you have failed.”

Tammy Cox

Cohort 1, Washington County Community College, WCCC Student of the Year, 2018

News & Updates

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Students continue in college


of parents feel more hopeful about their children's futures


Reported new professional connections

Families have participated in FFD